David Malin's astrophotos of Messier objects
The astronomical photographs below have been obtained by
David Malin of the
Australian Astronomical Observatory (former Anglo Australian Observatory).
See AAO usage policies.
Also note our image index sorted by object
Colour Photographs from the 3.9m Anglo Australian Telescope (AAT)
- AAT 8. A spiral galaxy, Messier 83, (NGC 5236)
AAT 8a. The spiral galaxy, Messier 83, NGC 5236 (wide field view)
- AAT 12. The Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius, M20
AAT 12a. The Trifid Nebula in Sagittarius, Messier 20 (wide field, landscape format)
- AAT 18. The emission nebula M 16, NGC 6611
AAT 18a. The emission nebula Messier 20 (wide field)
- AAT 19. The Orion Nebula, M42, and M43
AAT 19a. The Orion Nebula, M42, and M43. (wide field view)
AAT 19b. The Orion Nebula, M42, and M43. (no unsharp mask)
- AAT 28. Wide angle pic of the southern Milky Way
old version]
- AAT 29. The Trapezium stars in the Orion Nebula
- AAT 30. The stars that excite the Trifid Nebula
- AAT 31. The Hourglass Nebula in Messier 8
- AAT 47. The dust lanes in Messier 16
- AAT 53. Messier 87 and its globular clusters
- AAT 58. M 100 (NGC 4321) in the Virgo cluster
- AAT 59. M 100 and its dwarf companions
- AAT 60. A giant elliptical galaxy, M 87
- AAT 61. M 65 (NGC 3623) spiral galaxy in Leo
- AAT 62. M 66 (NGC 3627) spiral galaxy in Leo
- AAT 69. Reflection nebulosity around M 20
AAT 69a. Reflection nebulosity around the Trifid Nebula (wide field, landscape format)
- AAT 70. Star colours in the Globular cluster M5
- AAT 85. NGC 6618, the emission nebula Messier 17
AAT 85a. Wide field view M17, NGC 6618
- AAT 90. NGC 6705, a young open cluster, Messier 11
- AAT 97. NGC 3351, M95, a barred spiral galaxy in Leo
- AAT 100. Messier 104, the Sombrero galaxy, NGC 4594
AAT 100a. Messier 104, the Sombrero galaxy (wide field, landscape format)
- AAT 103. The M66 group of galaxies in Leo
- AAT 107. NGC 2437-8, M46, planetary nebula in open cluster
- AAT 112. Messier 67, NGC 2682, an open cluster
- AAT 113. Messier 93, NGC 2447, an open cluster
Colour Photographs from the 1.2m UK Schmidt Telescope (UKS)
Colour Photographs from the Hale 5m Telescope
Colour Photographs from the Palomar 48 inch Schmidt Telescope
CCD images from the AAT
More Images by David Malin
The following images are results of
special photographic techniques developed by
David Malin (AAO).
These techniques are described online in
David Malin's webpages; you can find (most of) these images at the
AAO image archive web site,
where you can also find images of non-Messier deep sky objects:
Special images provided by David Malin for these pages
Thanks to David Malin, who generously made them available, we can proudly present
the following images in our database:
Some images of Non-Messier Objects
More photographs of the Australian Astronomical Observatory are available from
internet web site.
SEDS provides a
Guide Page to David Malin's Colour Photographs of Deep Sky Objects.
AAO Messier Object Photographs List by David Malin
Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: November 16, 2024