This gorgeous color photograph, obtained by David Malin with the UK Schmidt Telescope, portraits the heart of the Virgo cluster. In the lower left edge is bright giant elliptical M87, while in the right middle is nearly circular M84 and elongated M86, surrounded by fainter galaxies. The chain of galaxies reaching to the upper left from M84 and M86 is called Markarian's Chain.
This images is copyrighted by the Australian Astronomical Observatory; see their usage policy.
The central region of the Virtgo Cluster, including M87 as well as M84 and M86, as photographed from Kitt Peak National Observatory.
This approximately true-color picture was created from sixteen images
taken in June 1995 and January 1997 using BVR filters, at the Burrell
Schmidt telescope of Case Western Reserve University's Warner and Swasey
Observatory located on Kitt Peak, near Tucson, Arizona. These
images were of different parts of the cluster and were mosaiced together,
which is why the picture is an odd shape inside the frame. The most
obvious effect of this mosaicing is a change in sky noise along the
boundaries where different numbers of original exposures contributed.
Image size is 122x86 arc minutes (2x1.5 degrees, or 12 full moons).
Last Modification: March 18, 1998