
[M104 AAT image] [PNG]

This great image of the Sombrero Galaxy M104 was created by David Malin from photographic plates taken with the 3.9-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope of the Australian Atronomical Observatory.

  • More information on this image

    [M104, wider field, AAT]

    Wider field image of M104, created from the same photographic plates.

    The two images above are copyrighted by the Australian Astronomical Observatory; see their usage policy.

  • More information on this image (David Malin)

  • Also note David Malin's deep image revealing M104's huge extended halo
  • More images of David Malin

    [M104, W. Keel] [PNG]

    The well-known "Sombrero" galaxy M104 (NGC 4594) in Virgo. This is an excellent example of the early-type Sa spirals, with tightly-wound spiral arms (in fact, they can be difficult to trace when seen this close to edge-on) and a large-luminous bulge. The dense dust lane in this disk gives the galaxy its common name. M104 has a mildly active nucleus, seen in emission lines and radio emission, and has been discussed as a cnadidate for hosting a supermassive black hole, based on stellar dynamics in its core. This image is from a blue-light exposure with the 0.9-meter telescope of Kitt Peak National Observatory, with the data provided courtesy of T. Boroson.

    From Bill Keel's Messier Picture Gallery at the University of Alabama.

  • More images from Bill Keel's collection

    [M104, Kohle/Credner]

    This image was obtained by Sven Kohle and Till Credner of Bonn, Germany on January 6, 1996 with the 0.9-meter Dutch telescope of the ESO La Silla observatory, with a 512x512 CCD camera. It was composed from 3 exposured taken in different color bands (through dufferent filters): V:5 min, R:2 min, I:5 min. The image is copyrighted by the observers.

  • More images by Sven Kohle and Till Credner

    [M104, anon]

    Image of M104 from an anonymous source

  • ESO/VLT images of M104
  • Amateur images of M104; More amateur images

    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg

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    Last Modification: February 22, 1998