Also note our image index sorted by instrument
Images of Messier Objects
- M1:
CRAB, 5-m Palomar 3-color composite photo
- special image
CRAB_POL, the polarisation structure
of M1, 5-m Palomar false-color image
- M4 with Antares and the Rho Oph dark cloud:
UKS 4, 1.2-m UKS color photo
- M5:
AAT 70 (special), 3.9-m AAT color photo
- M8:
AAT 31, 3.9m AAT photo, Hourglass Nebula
UKS 5 (special), 1.2-m UKS color photo
deep image (UKS) of the
Lagoon Nebula, contrast enhanced by unsharp masking techniques
- M8, M20,
UKS 26, UKS 1.2-m color photo
UKS 26a, wider field
- M11:
AAT 90 (special), 3.9-m AAT color photo
- M16:
AAT 18 (special), 3.9m AAT color photo
AAT 18a, wide field, 3.9m AAT
AAT 47 (special), dust lanes in M16,
3.9m AAT photo [caption]
- M17:
AAT 85 (special), 3.9-m AAT color photo
AAT 85a, 3.9-m AAT wide field
- M17, M18,
UKS 22, 1.2-m UKS color photo
- M20:
AAT 12 (special), 3.9m AAT photo
AAT 12a, wide field, 3.9-m AAT
AAT 30, star cluster in M20, 3.9m AAT photo
AAT 69 (special), reflection
nebulosity around M20, 3.9-m AAT photo
AAT 69a, wider field, 3.9-m AAT
UKS 7, reflection nebula around M20,
1.2-m UKS color photo
- M24, M17,
UKS 22, 1.2-m UKS color photo
- M27:
INT 11 (special), 2.5-m INT color photo
- M31:
INT 1 (special), 2.5-m INT color photo
M31 nucleus (direct image)
INT 2, M31 nucleus (unsharp mask)
- M31, M32:
INT 3, M32 and part of M31 south of center,
2.5-m INT color photo
- M31, M32,
caltech_M31. Widefield photograph of
M31 with M32 and M110
- M33:
INT 5, M33's bright central regions,
2.5-m INT color photo
INT 6, M33's faint outskirts,
2.5-m INT color photo
special image
- M42:
AAT 29,
the Trapezium star cluster in the Orion Nebula. 3.9m AAT photo.
Trapezium Cluster, visible vs. IR
- M42, M43:
AAT 19 (special), 3.9m AAT photo
AAT 19a, wider field, 3.9m AAT
AAT 19b, no unsharp mask, 3.9m AAT
UKS 8, Messier 42, the Great Nebula in
Orion. 1.2m UKS photo.
deep image, contrast enhanced,
1.2-m UKS photo [caption];
UKS 23, 1.2-m UKS photo.
Faint nebulosity near Orion and Horsehead Nebulae
- M43:
M43 photo, 3.9m AAT
- M45:
UKS 18 (special), 1.2m UKS photo
labelled version with star names] -
UKS 18a, wider field,
1.2m UKS photo
- M46:
AAT 107,
M46 (NGC 2437) open cluster with planetary nebula
NGC 2438 supperimposed, 3.9-m AAT photo.
- M65:
AAT 61 (special), 3.9-m AAT photo
- M 66:
AAT 62 (special), 3.9-m AAT photo
- M65, M 66:
AAT 103, 3.9-m AAT photo. The
M66 group of galaxies
- M67:
AAT 112, 3.9-m AAT photo
- M77:
AAT-CCD 12, 3.9-m AAT image, MIT/Lincoln Labs CCD
- M78:
AAT-CCD 17, 3.9-m AAT image, MIT/Lincoln Labs CCD
- M83:
AAT 8 (special), 3.9m AAT photo
AAT 8a (wide field view)
AAT-CCD 1, 3.9-m AAT image, Tektronics CCD.
Around the nucleus
- M84, M86:
UKS 24 (special), 1.2-m UKS photo.
Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster
deep b/w negative and
b/w positive image
- M87:
AAT 53, M87 with globular clusters,
3.9m AAT photo;
AAT 60, giant elliptical M87, 3.9-m AAT photo
deep b/w negative and
b/w positive
showing elongated shape of the outer parts and the distorted extended halo
- M84, M86,
UKS 31 (special), 1.2-m UKS photo.
Central region of the Virgo Cluster
- M89:
deep image (b/w negative) and
b/w positive, 3.9-m AAT photo,
showing a jetlike structure and a faint ring of matter -
Inset shows conventional photo of M89
- Messier 93:
AAT 113, 3.9-m AAT photo
- M95:
AAT 97 (special), 3.9-m AAT photo
- M100:
AAT 58, 3.9-m AAT photo
AAT 59, with companions, 3.9-m AAT photo
deep b/w negative with a
conventional color image overlaid - and
b/w positive and color negative
- M104:
AAT 100, 3.9-m AAT photo
AAT 100a (wide field)
deep b/w negative with a conventional
positive color image overlaid - and
deep b/w positive with color negative
- Milky Way:
AAT 28, central region, David Malin photo
old version]
Some images of Non-Messier Objects
More photographs of the Australian Astronomical Observatory are available from their
internet web site.
SEDS provides a
Guide Page to David Malin's Colour Photographs of Deep Sky Objects.
Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: December 22, 2024