
[M27, Bruce Balick] [PNG]

Bruce Balick's color image of M27

  • More images by Bruce Balick

    [M27 INT, Malin photo] [PNG]

    M27 taken by David Malin with the Isaac Newton Telescope.

    This images is copyrighted by the Australian Astronomical Observatory; see their usage policy.

  • More information on this image
  • More images by David Malin

    [M27, Kohle/Credner]

    This image was obtained by Sven Kohle and Till Credner of Bonn, Germany on October 26, 1995 at 20:30 UT with the 1.23-meter telescope of the Calar Alto observatory, with a 2048x2048 WWFPP CCD camera. This picture is composed from 4 exposures taken with B (15 min), v (10 min), H alpha (10 min) and I (10 min) band filter; the field of view is 13.2' x 16'. The image is copyrighted by the observers.

  • More images by Till Credner and Sven Kohle.

    [M27, KPNO/NOAO]

    KPNO image of M27

  • More images of KPNO/NOAO/NOIRlab

    [M27, anonymous source]

    Image of M27 from an anonymous source

    [M27 color pic] [PNG]

    M27 in color

    [M27, K. Gloria]

    M27, also known as the Dumbell Nebula. Overall, the surface brightness of the extended ionized gas emission is one of the highest for any Planetary Nebula; therefore this object is easily seen through even small telescopes (including most finders).

    This is a color composite image made by Karen Gloria at Hopkins Observatory using a 6-inch refractor and a 512x512 element CCD detector. From Greg Bothun's collection at the University of Oregon.

  • This image was featured as Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) July 29, 1995
  • More images from Greg Bothun's collection

    [M27, Bill Keel]

    The planetary nebula Messier 27, as photographed by Bill Keel of the University of Alabama. This is a 120-second red-light exposure (in twilight) with a Tektronix 2048x2048 CCD at the prime focus of the 4-meter Mayall telescope of Kitt Peak National Observatory. North is at the top and east to the left, the field is 14.3 arcminutes square.

  • More information on this image (Bill Keel)
  • More images from Bill Keel

  • ESO 8.2-m VLT/FORS images of M27
  • Hubble Space Telescope images of M27
  • Amateur John Sefick's images of M27
  • Amateur images of M27; more amateur images

    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg

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    Last Modification: December 22, 2024
    Former Definitive Version: June 29, 1999