
Pease 1: Planetary Nebula in M15

Planetary Nebula Pease 1 (Ps 1, PK 065-27.1, Kuster 648) in Globular Cluster M15 in Pegasus

[Pease 1 in M15, Stan Moore]
Right Ascension 21 : 30.02 (h:m)
Declination +12 : 10.2 (deg:m)
Distance 32.6 (kly)
Visual Brightness 15.5 (mag)
Apparent Dimension 3 (arc seconds)

Pease 1 was the first planetary nebula found in a globular cluster, in 1928 by Francis Gladheim Pease. It had been previously cataloged as a star by Friedrich Kustner (1921).

Stan Moore has been able to image Pease 1 in an RGB image obtained with a ST-7 CCD camera on a 12.5-inch RC telescope. Instead of "normal" red, he used a 10 nm H-Alpha filter to emphasize nebular emission. Thus, the small planetary nebula appears as a red dot in the image (just above the globular's core). Click on the image to see a full-size version.

  • Leos Ondra has provided more information on this planetary nebula.
  • NASA's and ESA's Hubble Space Telescopes has investigated Pease 1 in M15

  • SIMBAD data for planetary nebula Pease 1
  • Publications on planetary nebula Pease 1 (NASA ADS)
  • Observing Reports for Pease 1 (IAAC Netastrocatalog)


  • Locate Pease1 in M15 (finder chart) [archival copy]
  • Pease 1 observing reports, collected by Doug Snyder [archival copy]
  • Pease 1 = PK 65-27.1, Deep Sky Challenge No. 1 for Nov - Dec, 1999, from "Off the Beaten Path" by Steve Gottlieb

  • Planetary nebula IRAS 18333-2357 in M22
  • Planetary Nebulae in Globular Clusters

    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg

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    Last Modification: February 4, 2015