Here is a summary of southern deep-sky objects.
There are 1420 NGC objects south of declination -28.0 degrees according to the book "NGC 2000.0" . Most of these were first seen by four men, Sir John Herschel (1056 objects), James Dunlop (222), Sir William Herschel (30), and Nicolas Louis de Lacaille (22). If we use the European Southern Observatory (ESO) catalogue to determine object types we get the following breakdown including objects in the Magellanic Clouds.
NAME OC GC DN PN Gx TotalThree objects each were found by Copeland, Hodierna, Messier and Barnard. Leavenworth found two objects, while Ptolemy, Al-Sufi, Halley, Pickering and the Melbourne telescope found one each south of declination -28.
J Herschel 217 56 67 15 701 1056 J Dunlop 87 52 33 4 46 222 W Herschel 6 6 0 0 18 30 Lacaille 13 5 3 0 1 22 Marth 0 0 3 0 3 6 Swift 0 0 0 0 6 6 Schmidt 0 0 0 0 4 4
Last Modification: May 8, 2001