109 Deep-Sky Delights for Backyard Observers
By Patrick Moore and the Editors of Sky & Telescope
The Caldwell Catalog is copyrighted © 1995 by Sky Publishing Corporation and used here by permission.

Also available as plain text file.

     NGC/IC  Const  Type   R.A. (2000.0) Dec   Mag   Size (')   Notes

  1  188      Cep    OC   00h 44.4m  +85ø 20'  8.1   14
  2  40       Cep    PN   00h 13.0m  +72ø 32'  12.4  0.6
  3  4236     Dra    SG   12h 16.7m  +69ø 28'  9.7   19 x 7
  4  7023     Cep    BN   21h 01.8m  +68ø 12'  --    18 x 18    Refl. nebula
  5  IC 342   Cam    SG   03h 46.8m  +68ø 06'  9.2   18 x 17
  6  6543     Dra    PN   17h 58.6m  +66ø 38'  8.1   0.3/5.8    Cat's Eye Neb.
  7  2403     Cam    SG   07h 36.9m  +65ø 36'  8.4   18 x 10
  8  559      Cas    OC   01h 29.5m  +63ø 18'  9.5   4
  9  Sh2-155  Cep    BN   22h 56.8m  +62ø 37'  --    50 x 10    Cave Nebula
 10  663      Cas    OC   01h 46.0m  +61ø 15'  7.1   16
 11  7635     Cas    BN   23h 20.7m  +61ø 12'  --    15 x 8     Bubble Nebula
 12  6946     Cep    SG   20h 34.8m  +60ø 09'  8.9   11 x 10
 13  457      Cas    OC   01h 19.1m  +58ø 20'  6.4   13         Owl Cluster or Phi Cas Cluster
 14  869/884  Per    OC   02h 20.0m  +57ø 08'  4.3   30 and 30  Double Cluster
 15  6826     Cyg    PN   19h 44.8m  +50ø 31'  8.8   0.5/2.3    Blinking Nebula
 16  7243     Lac    OC   22h 15.3m  +49ø 53'  6.4   21
 17  147      Cas    EG   00h 33.2m  +48ø 30'  9.3   13 x 8
 18  185      Cas    EG   00h 39.0m  +48ø 20'  9.2   12 x 10
 19  IC 5146  Cyg    BN   21h 53.5m  +47ø 16'  --    12 x 12    Cocoon Nebula
 20  7000     Cyg    BN   20h 58.8m  +44ø 20'  --    120 x 100  N. America Neb.
 21  4449     CVn    IG   12h 28.2m  +44ø 06'  9.4   5 x 4
 22  7662     And    PN   23h 25.9m  +42ø 33'  8.3   0.3/2.2
 23  891      And    SG   02h 22.6m  +42ø 21'  9.9   14 x 3
 24  1275     Per    IG   03h 19.8m  +41ø 31'  11.6  2.6 x 2    Perseus A
 25  2419     Lyn    GC   07h 38.1m  +38ø 53'  10.4  4.1
 26  4244     CVn    SG   12h 17.5m  +37ø 49'  10.2  16 x 2.5
 27  6888     Cyg    BN   20h 12.0m  +38ø 21'  --    20 x 10    Crescent Nebula
 28  752      And    OC   01h 57.8m  +37ø 41'  5.7   50
 29  5005     CVn    SG   13h 10.9m  +37ø 03'  9.8   5.4 x 2
 30  7331     Peg    SG   22h 37.1m  +34ø 25'  9.5   11 x 4
 31  IC 405   Aur    BN   05h 16.2m  +34ø 16'  --    30 x 19    Flaming Star
 32  4631     CVn    SG   12h 42.1m  +32ø 32'  9.3   15 x 3
 33  6992/5   Cyg    SN   20h 56.4m  +31ø 43'  --    60 x 8     Eastern Veil
 34  6960     Cyg    SN   20h 45.7m  +30ø 43'  --    70 x 6     Western Veil
 35  4889     Com    EG   13h 00.1m  +27ø 59'  11.4  3 x 2      In Coma Cluster
 36  4559     Com    SG   12h 36.0m  +27ø 58'  9.8   10 x 5
 37  6885     Vul    OC   20h 12.0m  +26ø 29'  5.9   7
 38  4565     Com    SG   12h 36.3m  +25ø 59'  9.6   16 x 3
 39  2392     Gem    PN   07h 29.2m  +20ø 55'  9.2   0.2/0.7    Eskimo Nebula
 40  3626     Leo    SG   11h 20.1m  +18ø 21'  10.9  3 x 2
 41  --       Tau    OC   04h 27m    +16ø      0.5   330        Hyades
 42  7006     Del    GC   21h 01.5m  +16ø 11'  10.6  2.8        Very distant
 43  7814     Peg    SG   00h 03.3m  +16ø 09'  10.5  6 x 2
 44  7479     Peg    SG   23h 04.9m  +12ø 19'  11.0  4 x 3
 45  5248     Boo    SG   13h 37.5m  +08ø 53'  10.2  6 x 4
 46  2261     Mon    BN   06h 39.2m  +08ø 44'  --    2 x 1      Hubble's Var.
 47  6934     Del    GC   20h 34.2m  +07ø 24'  8.9   5.9
 48  2775     Can    SG   09h 10.3m  +07ø 02'  10.3  4.5 x 3
 49  2237-9   Mon    BN   06h 32.3m  +05ø 03'  --    80 x 60    Rosette Nebula
 50  2244     Mon    OC   06h 32.4m  +04ø 52'  4.8   24
 51  IC 1613  Cet    IG   01h 04.8m  +02ø 07'  9.3   12 x 11
 52  4697     Vir    EG   12h 48.6m  -05ø 48'  9.3   6 x 4
 53  3115     Sex    EG   10h 05.2m  -07ø 43'  9.1   8 x 3      Spindle Galaxy
 54  2506     Mon    OC   08h 00.2m  -10ø 47'  7.6   7
 55  7009     Aqr    PN   21h 04.2m  -11ø 22'  8.0   0.4/1.6    Saturn Nebula
 56  246      Cet    PN   00h 47.0m  -11ø 53'  10.9  3.8
 57  6822     Sgr    IG   19h 44.9m  -14ø 48'  8.8   10 x 9     Barnard's Galaxy
 58  2360     CMa    OC   07h 17.8m  -15ø 37'  7.2   13
 59  3242     Hya    PN   10h 24.8m  -18ø 38'  7.8   0.3/21     Ghost of Jup'r.
 60  4038     Crv    SG   12h 01.9m  -18ø 52'  10.7  2.6 x 2
 61  4039     Crv    SG   12h 01.9m  -18ø 53'  10.7  3 x 2
 62  247      Cet    SG   00h 47.1m  -20ø 46'  9.1   20 x 7
 63  7293     Aqr    PN   22h 29.6m  -20ø 48'  7.3   13         Helix Nebula
 64  2362     CMa    OC   07h 18.8m  -24ø 57'  4.1   8          Tau CMa Cluster
 65  253      Scl    SG   00h 47.6m  -25ø 17'  7.1   25 x 7     Sculptor Galaxy
 66  5694     Hya    GC   14h 39.6m  -26ø 32'  10.2  3.6
 67  1097     For    SG   02h 46.3m  -30ø 17'  9.2   9 x 7
 68  6729     CrA    BN   19h 01.9m  -36ø 57'  --    1.0        R CrA Nebula
 69  6302     Sco    PN   17h 13.7m  -37ø 06'  9.6   0.8        Bug Nebula
 70  300      Scl    SG   00h 54.9m  -37ø 41'  8.7   20 x 13
 71  2477     Pup    OC   07h 52.3m  -38ø 33'  5.8   27
 72  55       Scl    SG   00h 14.9m  -39ø 11'  7.9   32 x 6     In Scl Group
 73  1851     Col    GC   05h 14.1m  -40ø 03'  7.3   11
 74  3132     Vel    PN   10h 07.7m  -40ø 26'  9.4   0.8
 75  6124     Sco    OC   16h 25.6m  -40ø 40'  5.8   29
 76  6231     Sco    OC   16h 54.0m  -41ø 48'  2.6   15
 77  5128     Cen    EG   13h 25.5m  -43ø 01'  7.0   18 x 14    Centaurus A
 78  6541     CrA    GC   18h 08.0m  -43ø 42'  6.6   13
 79  3201     Vel    GC   10h 17.6m  -46ø 25'  6.7   18
 80  5139     Cen    GC   13h 26.8m  -47ø 29'  3.6   36         Omega Centauri
 81  6352     Ara    GC   17h 25.5m  -48ø 25'  8.1   7
 82  6193     Ara    OC   16h 41.3m  -48ø 46'  5.2   15
 83  4945     Cen    SG   13h 05.4m  -49ø 28'  8.7   20 x 4
 84  5286     Cen    GC   13h 46.4m  -51ø 22'  7.6   9
 85  IC 2391  Vel    OC   08h 40.2m  -53ø 04'  2.5   50         Omicron Vel Cl.
 86  6397     Ara    GC   17h 40.7m  -53ø 40'  5.6   26
 87  1261     Hor    GC   03h 12.3m  -55ø 13'  8.4   7
 88  5823     Cir    OC   15h 05.7m  -55ø 36'  7.9   10
 89  6067     Nor    OC   16h 18.9m  -57ø 54'  5.4   12         S Nor Cluster
 90  2867     Car    PN   09h 21.4m  -58ø 19'  --    0.2
 91  3532     Car    OC   11h 06.4m  -58ø 40'  3.0   55
 92  3372     Car    BN   10h 43.8m  -59ø 52'  --    120 x 120  Eta Car Nebula
 93  6752     Pav    GC   19h 10.9m  -59ø 59'  5.4   20
 94  4755     Cru    OC   12h 53.6m  -60ø 20'  4.2   10         Jewel Box Cl.
 95  6025     TrA    OC   16h 03.7m  -60ø 30'  5.1   12
 96  2516     Car    OC   07h 58.3m  -60ø 52'  3.8   30
 97  3766     Cen    OC   11h 36.1m  -61ø 37'  5.3   12
 98  4609     Cru    OC   12h 42.3m  -62ø 58'  6.9   5
 99  --       Cru    DN   12h 53m    -63ø      --    400 x 300  Coalsack
100  IC 2944  Cen    OC   11h 36.6m  -63ø 02'  4.5   15         Gamma Cen Cl.
101  6744     Pav    SG   19h 09.8m  -63ø 51'  8.3   16 x 10
102  IC 2602  Car    OC   10h 43.2m  -64ø 24'  1.9   50         Theta Car Cl.
103  2070     Dor    BN   05h 38.7m  -69ø 06'  --    40 x 25    Tarantula Neb.
104  362      Tuc    GC   01h 03.2m  -70ø 51'  6.6   13
105  4833     Mus    GC   12h 59.6m  -70ø 53'  7.3   14
106  104      Tuc    GC   00h 24.1m  -72ø 05'  4.0   31         47 Tucanae
107  6101     Aps    GC   16h 25.8m  -72ø 12'  9.3   11
108  4372     Mus    GC   12h 25.8m  -72ø 40'  7.8   19
109  3195     Cha    PN   10h 09.5m  -80ø 52'  --    0.6
Key to object types
BN = Bright nebula GC = Globular cluster EG = Elliptical galaxy DN = Dark nebula OC = Open cluster IG = Irregular galaxy PN = Planetary nebula SN = Supernova remnant SG = Spiral galaxy
For planetaries a size of, e.g., 0.3/2.2 means that the bright nucleus is 0.3' across while the faint outer shell spans 2.2'.

Copyright 1995 Sky Publishing Corporation; all rights reserved. The Caldwell Catalog may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Please contact Sky Publishing Corp., P.O. Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02178-9111, USA. Phone: 1-617- 864-7360. Fax: 1-617-864-6117. Or send e-mail to: permissions at

  • Also note the Caldwell page of the Hawaii Astronomical Society's Deepsky Atlas.
  • More Deepsky observing lists
    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg

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    Last Modification: February 8, 1998