2007 Messier Marathon Results
Messier Marathon 2007
The year 2007 will offer a good opportunity for the Messier Marathon on the
weekend of March 17/18, and a secondary chance on March 24/25. This time,
it will be challenging to hunt down all 110 objects.
The 2007 Messier Marathon will perhaps be one of the last occasions to combine
a nine-planet marathon with the Messier event, but Neptune will be extremely
difficult if at all possible, Uranus also difficult in the morning.
Some comets brighter than about mag 14.5 may be visible; we will list them
below from various sources (e.g.,
IAU's Observable Comets page,
Gary Kronk's list of current comets and the
Fachgruppe Kometen list):
Comet RA (2000.0) Dec mag
March 16, 2007
2P/Encke 01:07.97 +13:46.4 11.6
P/2001 Q2 (Petriew) 01:49.74 +07:05.1 12.0
C/2006 K3 (McNaught) 02:39.74 -10:15.8 14.4
29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 03:58.60 +28:27.4 15.7 has outbursts!
4P/Faye 04:59.69 +13:16.3 14.1
P/2006 HR30 (Siding Spring) 05:54.76 +25:27.7 13.3
P/2006 T1 (Levy) 15:00.13 -43:01.6 14.7
C/2006 L2 (McNaught) 21:40.65 +68:09.6 14.9
Southerners will have a chance to spot two more comets, one of them with
January fame, the other rather close to the Sun and thus difficult:
C/2006 P1 (McNaught) 22:55.36 -66:14.9 9.1
96P/Machholz 23:36.88 -25:16.6 11.8
For the record: Southerners with large instruments may also still try to spot
now-faint (mag 18.9) old friend C/1995 O1 Hale-Bopp at RA 02:26.80,
Dec -82:46.9!
Note that occasionally comets become bright shortly (like Hyakutake in 1996,
Ikeya-Zhang and Utsunomiya in 2002), so check back for possible updates
shortly before Marathon date.
meteors from various showers may occur, and depending on your
location, you may be able to observe the
International Space Station, ISS.
Messier Marathon Events 2007
Again, we plan to announce all scheduled 2007 Messier Marathon Events
- The 2007 All Arizona Messier Marathon,
sponsored again by the
Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC) (for the 15th time), will be held in
the night of the weekend of March 17/18, 2007 at the
site south of Arizona City.
- A.J. Crayon & Jack Jones
Also see
SAC's 2007 All Messier Marathon announce.
- The Sociedad Astronomica
Queretana (SAQ) is hosting a Messier Marathon on March 17/18, 2007
in Queretaro, about 210 km north of Mexico City, probably the only major one
in central Mexico.
- Juan Carrillo, SAQ
- The Arkansas Oklahoma Astronomical
Society (AOAS) is sponsoring their first ever Messier Marathon on
March 17/18. It will be held at their observatory outside of Fort Smith, AR.
- Jon Stone, AOAS
- "Akash Mitra" from
Pune (India) will be conducting the 2007 Messier
Marathon on March 17-18, from Pokhri, about 125 km north of Pune.
- Harshad Abhyankar.
- The Oklahoma City Astronomy
Club will be hosting a Messier Marathon event on the night of
March 17/18 at their new
observatory site the Cheddar Ranch in rural Watonga, Oklahoma. Look at
a map and
weather forecast.
- Jeff Thibodeau, President, OKC Astronomy Club
2007 BAS Messier Marathon sponsored by the
Birmingham Astronomical
Society of Birmingham, Alabama, will be held for the second time the
night of the weekend of March 17/18, 2007 at the Chandler Mountain
Observatory. Please check here for their
- Ed Knight, BAS
- Sorin Hotea is
organizing again this year the National Messier Marathon in Romania.
He will try the marathon near his city, Sighetu-Marmatiei in 17/18 March.
There is a possibility that he and his club "Astroclubul Sighet" will go
on the mountains for couple of nights that period to try the marathon.
He also made a new website for the 2007 event, so that every astronomer who
want to participate can send him his name, location, date of marathon and
other information and he'll put him on his website.
- Sorin Hotea
- The Kutch Astronomy Club
is going to organise second messier marathon this year 17th March 2007.
This year they are planning to organise a place near Bhuj which is very dark.
They are preparing to join more astronomy students in this marathon. They
will watch the objects with 2 six inch reflector and one 2.5 inch refrector
- Narendra Gor, President, Kutch Astronomy Club, Bhuj
- The Bangalore Astronomical Society
(BAS) of Bangalore, India is going to hold their first Messier
Marathon from a site 70 km north of Bangalore at Hosahalli village where the
sky is very dark but horizons are slightly obstructed. They expect a
participation of 3-4 observers. The marathon is scheduled for March 17-18,
2007. Observer Amar A. Sharma is going alone for a "Double Marathon," with
the second attempt scheduled for March 19-20. They will be using two 8" f/8
equatorial and one 12" f/4.5 Dobsonian scopes, together with smaller
Look at their announce!
- Amar A. Sharma, BAS
- The West Texas Astronomers
will be having a Messier Marathon on March 17th, 2007 just south of Midland,
See their forum
- Eric Kounce
- The Amateur Astronomers Association of Vadodara have organised a
Messier Marathon for 2007 on 17th March 2007 at village Dharoli near Bharuch
Gujarat, India. This group is organizing Messier Marathon trips annually
since 1997.
- Bhargav Joshi
- Once again, the
Astronomy Club of Tulsa and
TUVA Astronomy Club will be
the annual Messier Marathon at TUVA Observatory site at Council Hill, OK,
March 17-18. Those coming are urged to bring a covered dish and any snack
type foods for a preliminary dinner. There will be talks and images shown
from members attending prior to the marathon. As in the past the person
locating the most Messier objects will win the David Stine Messier Marathon
Award and will have their name added to the plaque that hangs in the TUVA
classroom at the site. Rod Gallagher has won the last three years in a row
but still hasn't gotten past 105. David Stines best is 100. The site has a
huge open pasture next to the observatory and a 360 degree clear span from
horizon to zenith. Everyone is invited. For directions, see either website.
- David Stine
- The Agrupacion AstronĂ³mica de Cadiz
"Hercules" (Spain) will hold 2 Messier Marathon 2007 sessions:
the first on March 10th at Pantano del Celemin (Benalup-Spain), and
the second on March 17th at Tavizna (Ubrique-Spain).
- The
Old Town Sidewalk Astronomers
will escape from the Los Angeles County city sidewalk lights and head to
the Colorado Desert for another Messier, planet and comet Marathon
Saturday night March 17, 2007. Our location is on
+33d 40' 5.02", -115d 32' 51.83"
between Chiriaco Summitt and Desert Center, CA, a spot we learned about from
Messier Marathon great Don Machholz. You can use the
road map on the Desert Center Clear Sky Clock for directions.
The road to the right of the railroad tracks is Red Cloud Road. If
you plan to join Jane and Mojo, please plan to arrive before sunset,
as Red Cloud Road is a washbord dirt road. They usually set up about a
mile down the road. If you plan to leave before dawn, they'll ask that
you park facing the road, try to turn off all interior car lights,
and announce your departure to the group well in advance. It's a
huge area, with a couple of miles of flat observing space on both
sides of the road. Other astronomers are often setup further down the
road, and there is room for everyone. This is not a road for heavy
vehicles or RV's. Last time someone brought one, it took hours for
Triple A to haul it out of the soft sand.
- Jane Houston Jones
- The
San Jose Astronomical Association holds annual Messier Marathons.
This year is holding a marathon on Friday 3/16 and Saturday 3/17.
- Rob Hawley, President SJAA
- United Astronomer
Clubs of New Jersey is planning its first
Messier Marathon at the Jenny Jump Mountain Observatory on March 24/25. The
site is about 50 miles west of New York City.
See their website for directions.
- Jim Norton
Please submit any scheduled events
for announce here.
If you have undertaken, or participated in, a Messier Marathon, 2007 or
earlier, if not already done so, please
send me your or your group's results, or the link to your results page,
for inclusion in our Messier Marathon Results page!
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Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: April 10, 2007