From the Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC) Contributed by Michael Poppre, SAC Secretary Subject: 2025 MM announcement from Saguaro Astronomy Club From: Michael Poppre Date: Feb 7, 2025, 10:32 PM Announcing the 2025 Messier Marathon hosted by the Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC) of Arizona. The MM this year will be observed on March 29/30th. More details can be found at: ----- Arizona Spring Star Party and Messier Marathon Welcome to the Arizona Spring Star Party and Messier Marathon !! IMPORTANT updates for 2025 !! The event name has changed to the: Arizona Spring Star Party and Messier Marathon. The event has expanded to include general dark sky observing as well as the traditional Messier Marathon. The 2025 Arizona Spring Star Party and Messier Marathon has been expanded to multiple days. The Star Party and Marathon will be held on March 28-30th, 2025 [Fri, Sat Evening and Sun AM]. The Star Party and Marathon dinner and raffle are back for Saturday only. The marathon will again be held at the Hovatter North Observing Site. Contacts: Questions? please contact the SAC President On Facebook, check All Arizona Messier Marathon Group for update and information as the event nears. The 2025 Arizona Spring Star Party and Messier Marathon will be held this year on March 28-30th, 2025. Like last year we will be at the Hovatter North observing site, --NOT at the Antennas site, Not the Salome Airfield--. Not interested in the marathon? COME ANYWAY; the event is open to night observing, astrophotography, or just plain old socializing. Please remember to bring plenty of water (it's still the desert). IF YOU PACK IT IN - YOU NEED TO PACK IT OUT. There is NO trash service! Directions Hovatter North observing site. Directions: drive N off Hovatter exit for approximately 3.5 miles. At that point, there is a surface excavation site ahead, just before that turn right into the general observing area. See: **Parking** Parking is open, please use common sense. If you plan on leaving early please use parking etiquette. Please park with your headlights north to minimize any disruption to the other observers as you leave. IF YOU PACK IT IN - YOU NEED TO PACK IT OUT. There is NO trash service! **Fun Stuff** *** Back for 2025 *** Star Party and Messier Marathon Dinner, Raffle, Swap Meet, and T-shirts. Saturday 1:00 - 4:30 Swap meet - bring your old gear Saturday 4:30 Raffle for prize Saturday Night dinner $8 (pre-oder by March 10th) Click: Messier Marathon T-shirts sales (pre-oder by March 10th) Click: (see: **Location & Nightly information** GPS coordinates: N33d 39' 19.44" W113d 36' 11.447" Elevation: 1,340 ft. Lat 33.6554 Long -113.60318 Astronomical Data 3/29 Sunset 18:53 End of Civil Twilight 19:18 Moon sets (new moon) 19:28 M74 sets 20:28 M74 at SS; Alt 18deg 35', Az 277deg M74 at SS + 25min; Alt 13deg 27', Az 280deg M77 sets 20:50 M77 at SS; Alt 23deg 27', Az 253deg M77 at SS + 25min; Alt 18deg 25', Az 257deg 3/30 Sunrise 06:24 Start of Civil Twilight 05:59 M30 rises 04:47 M30 at SR; Alt 16deg 12', Az 133deg M30 at SR - 25min; Alt 12deg 17', Az 129deg **Paper Work** Before continuing be sure you have read and signed the waiver for the event. The waiver is available at this link: Basically, SAC is not responsible for loss, theft, broken items, nor for any bodily injuries you may sustain. Please turn in the signed waiver at the event, preferably before dark or at the sunset meeting on Saturday. **Participating in the Messier Marathon.** The guidelines are pretty simple, please read them over if you plan on participating. * It's an honor system. * No one is going to be looking over your shoulder to verify your observations. * Get an observing list to keep track of observations: * Fill out the heading. * Please include your complete address if you wish to have your certificate mailed. * Include the size and type of telescope or optical aide used. * Indicate if you are in the under 18 category. * Find an object. * Observe/image it with your eye through the main eyepiece of your telescope. * Mark off the entry. * Go to the next object. Feel intimidated? Don't think you can reach high counts? DON'T WORRY! ENJOY! * Set your own goals and don't bother with those high counts. * The marathon is for having fun! * Set your goals in order for you to have fun! Multiple Nights: * An observing list is only valid for one night! * You may not combine multiple nights to the same observing list. * You may participate in both nights but that would be two observing lists, one for each night. Start observing/imaging when you are ready, presumably some time after sun set. It is up to you to decide when you are finished observing. Some conditions could be when you have reached a set goal or sometime after morning twilight. Here are some additional guidelines you should be aware of. These cover situations and conditions that have occurred in the past, but in no way do they cover the myriad of possibilities that may happen. Locating Objects: * Participants may use a variety of means to locate objects. This includes memorizing positions; using binoculars, books or star charts for star hopping. The use of setting circles, either analog or digital is also permissible. GoTo telescopes can also be used. Multiple Observers: * In a small number of cases there have been teams of two observers per telescope. This is allowed subject to the same conditions as has been followed in the past. The condition is that each observer should find one-half the objects and both must observe all objects. * There is an option in the case of an award. Either one award can be presented with both names or two awards can be presented - one with each name. Please let us know which you select by noting this on the observing list that is turned in at the conclusion of the event. In either case, if the award is for a plaque, you or your club will be expected to pay for one or both. It is recommended, that when paying by mail, to pay for the award by check or money order. Please avoid sending payment by cash. * Three or more observers per telescope can't qualify for an award. It is possible to do the marathon this way, but none are eligible for awards. Multiple Instruments: * Participants using two or more instruments are eligible for only one award. This is not to be construed as one award for each instrument, it is one award for the observer. **Registration** Registration is simple; provide the signed waiver and the observing list used to record your observations. Be sure to get an observation list, either from one of the local astronomy clubs, one of the coordinators or at the site. You can also print one from our web site, see the link above. If you plan on using this or your personal printed version at the marathon, please use both sides so only one sheet is used and turned in to the coordinators. This helps greatly with recording the event because multiple sheets from many observers can get mixed up, possibly causing errors in recording the event and determining awards. Be sure to fill in the top portion so awards and certificates can given to all who earn them. The observing list will be returned with your award. Remember to turn in your list to one of the Coordinators at the site. At least one Coordinator will stay until sunrise. Awards cannot be given if lists are not turned in. Again, don't forget to fill out the top. The results will be posted, after some verification, on the Messier Marathon Observer's Results web page referenced above. ** Recognition ** Your observing activities will not go unnoticed; there will be awards in recognition of effort. People observing or imaging 50 or more objects will receive an 8 1/2 x 11 certificate. For first, second and third place there will be plaques suitable for mounting on a telescope. Duplicate awards will be made for ties; there will be no sudden death observe off (: Registration in advance is not required. The event is free and open to all. There is no charge for the certificates. -- Previous Messier Marathon Observer's Results -> Here: **Under 18** In recent years there has been growing participation by younger astronomers. To help encourage this trend, this year, the All Arizona Messier Marathon will offer a separate award category for observers under the age of 18. All U18 observers will receive a certificate of participation. Those observing 25 or more objects will received a certificate of achievement. And the top 3 observers in the U18 category will receive plaques as well as the certificates. So, if you are under 18 and have an interest in astronomy come on out and observe! If you know a young astronomer, let them know and encourage them to join us. The only caveat is all U18 observers must be accompanied by a responsible adult and must be listed on that adult's Liability waiver. More Marathon Information * A port-a-Jon will be on-site. Remember this is a primitive site and we strive to make your stay as comfortable as possible. * Signs will be posted at the entrance to remind drivers to keep the speed down because of the dust levels. We are on the Sonoran Desert! * Use any optical system you like. Please note the size on the observing list. * Please plan on arriving at the site before sunset. If arriving after sunset please be cautious and watch for others. * If you are NOT going to stay all night: * Park near the entrance so you don't disturb others when you depart. * Please give a shout a few minutes before leaving and then again as you are about to depart. * Give observers time to prepare for your departure so the light doesn't interfere with night vision. * Please ensure your red filtered flashlights are in good working order and PLEASE no white lights between sun set and sun rise. For more information on star party etiquette click here! * Additional questions regarding the Messier Marathon. * Please only use a low power (less than 10mW) green lasers if applicable to your observing set up (such as with binoculars). * Mandatory! avoid any aircraft when using your laser! * Please respectable and consider those around you. * Please limit generator use to 10am-6pm. If you need to run at night please park away from others. We will have a very short meeting just before sunset for final announcements and words of encouragement. Please keep in mind this observing site is not our property. The land belongs to the BLM and is primitive. IF YOU PACK IT IN - YOU NEED TO PACK IT OUT. There is NO trash service! Which means if you need something, bring it with you and be sure to take it back with you. Let's leave the site at least as clean as it was when we arrived. -----