Charles Messier's Comets
Messier's devotion was looking for, discovering, and observing comets. He was
considerably successful in this endeavour, scoring with 13 first discoveries
and 7 more independent co-discoveries.
According to Gary Kronk and Messier's notes,
we can add one more independent co-discovery to the 6 listed by Don Machholz,
namely of the comet De La Nux 1758 (often quoted as anonymous); this was
actually Messier's first comet discovery.
During his professional life, Charles Messier observed and carefully recorded
46 comets.
See also his personal "Notes on My Comets".
Original discoveries
1759 II Messier
1763 Messier
1764 Messier
(Messier's Observations)
1766 I Messier
(Messier's Observations)
1769 Messier
(Bessel obtained an orbital period of 2090 years for this one)
1770 I Lexell
(Gary W. Kronk's
Comet Lexell resource.)
1771 Messier
(Messier's Observations)
1773 Messier
1780 I Messier
1785 I Messier-Méchain
1788 I Messier
1793 I Messier
1798 I Messier
Independent co-discoveries
1758 De La Nux
1759 I Halley
(Messier's Memoir;
Comet Halley 1758-1759;
Gary W. Kronk's
Comet Halley resource)
1759 III "Great Comet"
1766 II Helfenzrieder
(Messier's Observations;
Gary W. Kronk's
Comet Helfenzrieder resource)
1770 II "Great Comet"
1779 Bode
1801 Pons (Pons-Messier-Méchain-Bouvard)
Messier's younger colleague and close friend,
Pierre Méchain, who had contributed
a lot to Messier's catalog in the later times, was also a successful hunter of
comets and became Messier's "most serious" rival in this field in the 1780s and
1790s; he originally discovered eight comets, and co-discovered three
(including above-listed comets 1785 I Messier-Méchain and 1801 Pons):
1781 I Méchain
(Méchain's remarks of this comet
as communicated to Bernoulli, translation from:
Astronomisches Jahrbuch for 1786, p. 231-2)
1781 II Méchain
(Méchain's elements of this comet
as communicated to Bernoulli, translation from:
Astronomisches Jahrbuch for 1786, p. 231-2)
1785 II Méchain
1786 I Encke
(Gary W. Kronk's
comet 2P/Encke resource)
1787 Méchain
1790 II Tuttle
(Gary W. Kronk's
comet 8P/Tuttle resource)
1799 II Méchain
1799 III Méchain
Méchain's co-discoveries:
1785 I Messier-Méchain
1792 II Gregory-Méchain
1801 Pons (Pons-Messier-Méchain-Bouvard)
So of the 52 comet discoveries in the time between
1758 and 1808, when Messier was successfully observing, the two astronomers
were involved in 29.
Gary W. Kronk's resources
include the stories of historic observations, so among others, those of
Charles Messier.
More data on Messier's comet discoveries can be found in Don Machholz's
book, The Messier Marathon Observer's
Guide, page 2.
Comet links
Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: November 3, 2024
Former Definitive Version: September 9, 2006