M29 Home
IAAC Netastrocatalog: Observing Reports for M29
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: Newt 4.2" f/4.25
(IAAC) Object: M29 - Inst: Newt 4.2" f/4.25
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: 7x50 binoculars
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: 102 mm f/9.8 Achromatic refractor
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: Orion 6" Dob
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: 10x46 handheld monocular
(IAAC) Obj: M29 (NGC6926) - Inst: Orion 6" Dob
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: Celestar 8" SCT, fork mount
(IAAC) Obj: M29, Be86 - Inst: ASM 200mm f/6 dob
(IAAC) Obj: M 29 - Inst: 12x45 binoculars
(IAAC) Obj: M29 - Inst: 10" F/5,6 Dob
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 6871 M29 (AS CORRECTION TO M28) - Inst: Brennweite 12.5 inch Dobsonian
(IAAC) Obj: NGC 6871 M29 (AS CORRECTION TO M28) - Inst: Brennweite 12.5 inch Dobsonian
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Hartmut Frommert
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