Mohammed Taragai Ibn Shah-rukh Ibn-Timur (Ulugh Begh, 1394 - 1449)

Ulugh Begh is honored by the naming of Moon crater Ulugh Beigh (32.7N, 81.9W, 54 km diameter) in 1961, as well as asteroid (2439) Ulugbek, discovered on August 21, 1977 at Nauchnyj observatory by N.S. Chernykh and provisionally desgnated 1977 QX2; it had been assigned 1952 DT2, 1955 UD, 1972 TC4, and 1974 CM1 on prediscovery and 1979 BE and 1980 GN on later independent sightings.


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Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg