
[M95, Univ. Oregon]

CCD image of M95, from the University of Oregon collection. M95 is a good example of the kind of galaxy with a large range of intrinsic surface brightness. The large dynamic range of the CCD can capture all of this but the human eye or film will be dominated entirely by its bright center

  • More images from the University of Oregon collection

    [M95, INT] [PNG]

    This image was created by Nial R. Tanvir from B,V,R images obtained on the 4.2 meter William Herschel Telescope on La Palma.

  • More INT images

    [M95, AAT] [PNG]

    AAT image of the barred spiral M95 in Leo. More information on this image is available.

    This images is copyrighted by the Australian Astronomical Observatory; see their usage policy.

    [M95, Bill Keel]

    This image of the bright spiral galaxy M95 was obtained by Bill Keel and Anatoly Zasov of the university of Alabama. It was created from a red-light CCD exposure with an RCA CCD at the 1.1-meter Hall telescope of Lowell Observatory. North is at the top and east to the left. Although logarithmic intensity transformation was used to preserve information across a wide dynamic range, this image doesn't adequately show the bright ring of star-forming regions close around the nucleus, and the field doesn't quite encompass the ring-like closure of the outer spiral arms. The field is 3.6 by 6.0 arcminutes, too small to show the whole extent of this galaxy; therefore, only the inner portion is shown.

  • More information on this image (Bill Keel)
  • More images from Bill Keel

  • Amateur images of M95

    Hartmut Frommert
    Christine Kronberg

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    Last Modification: June 17, 1999