The M83 group of galaxies
- M83 (NGC 5236)
- NGC 5128 (Centaurus A, Dun 482)
- NGC 5253 (H 2.638)
- NGC 4945 (Dunlop 411)
- NGC 5102 (h 3492)
- NGC 5264 (h 3528)
- NGC 5408 (h 3553)
- IC 4247 (Frost 1042 - Ann. Har. 60 (1908))
- IC 4316 (Frost 1083 - Ann. Har. 60 (1908))
- ESO 381-20 (MCG-6-28-017; 1243-33)
- ESO 324-24 (MCG-6-30-003; 1324-41)
- ESO 444-84 (MCG-5-32-000; 1334-27)
- ESO 325-11 (1342-41)
- ESO 383-87 (MCG-6-30-025; 1346-35)
Near or on the edge of this group, thus possibly further, outlying members are:
- NGC 5068: At approximately the same distance, but 20 deg north of the
group's center (corresponding to a distance of about 3 million ly) or half
- Circinus Galaxy (ESO 97-13): At a similar distance, but about 22 deg south
of Centaurus A (again about 3 million ly)
Some astronomical data of the M83 Group member galaxies:
Galaxy Name II RA (2000.0) Dec type m_v dim RV
NGC 4945 Dun 411 13:05.4 -49:28 SA(s)d 8.8 23.0 x 6.0
NGC 5102 h 3492 13:22.0 -36:38 S0 pec 8.8 9.8 x 4.0
NGC 5128 Cen A 13:25.5 -43:01 Pec 7.0 31.0 x 23.0
IC 4247 F. 1046 13:26.7 -30:22 S 14.6
M83 NGC 5236 13:37.0 -29:52 SABc 7.6 15.5 x 13.0
NGC 5253 H 2.638 13:39.9 -31:39 Im/Sd 10.2 5.1 x 2.3
IC 4316 F. 1083 13:40.3 -28:54 Irr 14.6
NGC 5264 h 3528 13:41.6 -29:55 IBm 12.1 3.2 x 2.1
NGC 5408 h 3553 14:03.3 -41:23 IBm 12.1 2.8 x 1.6
ESO 381-20
ESO 324-24
ESO 444-84
ESO 325-11
ESO 383-87
Possible further members:
NGC 5068 H 2.312 13:18.9 -21:02
ESO 97-13 Circinus 14:13.2 -65:20
.. more to come soon ..
Hartmut Frommert
Christine Kronberg
Last Modification: October 9, 2003