Supernova 2014J in M82
Supernova 2014J, also known by its provisional designation
PSN J09554214+6940260, was detected in M82 by Stephen J. Fossey of the
University College London Observatory on January 21, 2014, and measured at
magnitude 11.7 on January 21.
It was found located 54"W and 21"S of the center of M82.
It was classified as of type Ia from its spectrum, with expansion velocity
20,000 km/s in its Si II lines, and found on prediscovery images by the 48"
Palomar Schmidt telescope.
Brightness was rising to a peak of about 10.1 mag around February 2 or 3.
- CBET 3792:
J. Fossey, B. Cooke, G. Pollack, M. Wilde, and T. Wright, 2014.
Supernova 2014J in M82 = Psn J09554214+6940260.
Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams, 3792, 1 (2014).
Edited by D.W.E. Green. January 2014.
[ADS: 2014CBET.3792....1F]
ATel 5786:
Y. Cao, M.M. Kasliwal, A. McKay, and A. Bradley, 2014.
Classification of Supernova in M82 as a young, reddened Type Ia Supernova.
The Astronomer's Telegram, #5786, January 22, 2014.
[ADS: 2014ATel.5786....1C]
Hartmut Frommert
Last Modification: December 9, 2014