Tim Puckett's CCD image of M78 (click to see it in full size). This image was composed from a red, a green, and a blue photo, exposed 5 minutes each, with an Apogee AP-7 CCD camera and 30-cm reflector.
Martin Germano obtained this image of M78 and surrounding area with a number of diffuse reflection nebulae in Orion. He used an 8-inch f/5 Newtonian telescope, and exposed 90 minutes on hypered TP2415 film.
Bobby Middleton created this image of reflection nebula M78 (bigger, left) and its neighbor, NGC 2071. Also note the dim wisps of nebulosity in the lower half of the image and also note the many dark nebulas which betray the presence of inter-stellar dust. This image is a composite of two 90 minute exposures on hypered Kodak PJM. They were shot with Bobby's 12.5" f/7 Newton.
CCD image of the bright diffuse reflection nebula M78 by the University of Arizona Astronomy Club.
Last Modification: June 20, 1999